Raven Ice Axe with Grip - pikkorisport

Raven Ice Axe with Grip

Normal pris 1.049,00 kr
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Color:70 cm


The Black Diamond Raven Ice Axe with Grip takes our classic mountaineer's piolet, the Raven, and combines a new dual-density rubber grip and our updated Slider Leash for increased security and versatility. Now redesigned, the Raven with Grip is lighter, and has an updated investment-cast, stainless steel head ergonomically improved for increased comfort while walking. The updated pick and adze geometry allow for more secure placements and effcient chopping, and the revamped spike adds better bite on those icy placements with improved plunge-ability. The durable aircraft-grade aluminum shaft is also improved with a trapezoidal cross-section for a more comfortable, better grip.
Raven Ice Axe With Grip Features
  • Durable, trapezoidal cross-section, aircraft-grade aluminum shaft
  • Investment-cast, one-piece stainless-steel head with a large hole for a carabiner
  • Comfortable, dual-density molded grip
  • Pick's curve and teeth engineered for secure self-arresting
  • Equipped with updated Slider Leash
  • CEN-B certified

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